Radiology & Imaging Wing

Diagnostic leads offered by Radiology and Imaging have immensely helped the doctor fraternity to render justice to the patients approaching them. In order to provide precious clues to the doctors and specialists and thereby helping the patients, the Trust has established Radiology and Imaging Wing with most proven ultra-modern equipments and appointed Radiologists of standing. That the reports of the Centres are not questioned even at Ahmedabad and Mumbai, squarely speaks of excellent performance of equipments and reading of plates and images by our expert radiologists.


Color Doppler Imaging
C.T. Scan

Interventional procedure under ultra sound and C.T. guidance.
New At Radiology Wing
X-ray Set-up

500 mA X-ray unit of GE with two tubes and automatic processor is in service for conventional radiology and special investigations like :

Barium studies

Intravenous Urography
Micturating Cystourethrography
Ascending Urethrography

500 Ma X-ray Machine

Special Features
Motor Driven Table Spot Film Device
Fully counter balanced bucky cabinet
Sliding Chest gaurd

Sonography Set-up
High resolution sonography studies through multi-frequency probes. Transvaginal, transrectal and TVS coupled with Harmonic Imaging have been made possible by strengthening the set up with

Toshiba Sonography Unit having two probes including TVS and documentation device called Sony printer and multi format camera.

ATL-3000 HDI consisting of four probes including TVS and a small part probes with high resolution coupled with Color Doppler facilities.
Documentation is obtained by :
Sony Printer
VHS Video Recorder
Multi format Camera
CD Writer

A computer with built in software for storing and transferring colored images to a color printer.

Above all Harmonic Imaging facility of this machine enables Radiologist to visualize deeper structures, especially useful for obese patients.

Abdomen, pelvis, chest and obstetric USG have remained the chief targets of this facility. The radiologists of the Centres however nourish passion of GI tract diseases like :

Gastric Neoplasm
Gastric Varices, Portal Hypertension
Pyloric Stenosis
Small bowel diseases
Ileoceacal Koch’s
Acute and Chronic Appendicular infections
Enteric Fever
Large bowel growth
This is not all. Our radiologists also concentrate on :

Trans cranial high resolution sonography in neonates and infants to evaluate Intra cranial
haemmorhage and Hydrocephalus.
Orbit : Detachment of retina, vitreous haemmorhage, lens dislocation, etc.
Neck including thyroid and lymph nodes masses and salivary glands.
Breast sonography for breast lesions.
Scrotal USG for testicular diseases, torsions, vericocele.
Trans vaginal sonography for pelvic organs, pelvic pathology and ovulation study.
Tran rectal sonography for prostatic evaluation.
Muscular-skeletal USG for muscular tear, abscesses.
Wide Open MRI Magnetom
MRI stands for Manetic Resonance Imaging which can give detailed sensitive information of the diffrent organs of the body without any inrtervention, without any opetative procedure.

In open type MRI Magneton Concerto, Siemens
  No Claustrophobia
  No Tunnel effect

Wide open MRI Magnet to ease patients anxiety
Comfort & Warmth
Joint motion studyS
Patient friendly allows companion inside
Special coils for all regions
Latest design from Siemen's Germany
High quality imaging with latest Hardware & Software
Advanced MRI application including Angiography, Diffusion, Joint Motion Study.

[WIDE OPEN MRI ] first in Bhavnagar district

Dedicated coils for all regions yielding high resolution images
Special Applications of MRI   Click here
Announces Installation  of  new open MRI, First in district of  BHAVNAGAR specially for the facility and convinces  of the patients who will be relived of worries and  anxiety of passing through a MRI tunnel. Of Late many refurbished MRI machines imported from other countries are being installed but we have specially taken care to order a totally New MRI machines for the best performance and latest diagnostic capability for the patients.
OSRMMT Radiology and Imaging Centre announces installation of patient’s friendly tunnel effect free, Claustrophobia free, highly informative, Open MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging Equipment from Siemens giving maximum comfort to patient and acceptance with an pleasant open magnet design with exceptional image quality.

Over and above having Open MRI our Radiology & Advanced Imaging Department is fully equipped with Latest Equipments

Radiology fascilities :
Computer Radiography by Fuji Photo Film Pvt.Ltd. with Fuji DryPix 7000 Camera,
Spiral C T of Siemens Emotion Duo Dual Slice with Kodak DryView 8200 Camera with CD Writing Facility,
HDI 3000 Colour Doppler Unit of Philips India Pvt.Ltd,
HDI 4000 Colour Doppler Unit of Phillips India Pvt. ltd. With CD Writing Facility with Stress Echo Facility,
GE 500mA X-Ray Machine,
Siemens 500mA X-Ray Machine
Mammography unit GE 800T
Orthopantomography unit
Team of Radiologists
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