Preamble & Appeal
We consider it a
great privilege and pleasure to present this small brochure wherein a
bird-eye view of diagnostic and eye, dental and other health services
rendered by our two medical centers and value-based education imparted by
our school is attempted.
The moving spirit behind all these humanitarian services has been Shree
Hari Har Mooni Maharaj - a towering saint who considered human service as
the best of all religions.
Genesis will bear the fact out that the Trust had in view to provide much
needed and most reliable diagnostic, eye-corrective, dentistry,
physiotherapy and super specialists’ services to patients in general and
underprivileged in particular at affordable price. The generous donations
flowing from India and abroad have helped to realize the objective set by
the Trust in an appreciable way.
At present medical centers running one each at Kalvibid and Vijayrajnagar
areas, and a school in temple campus have been serving society to their
We however do not wish to stop here. The readers may peruse the plans in
pipeline at the end. Looking to the performance and the standing both the
medical centers and the school have earned during a span of 15 years, we
believe, readers will be enthused to become our partners by contributing
their mite in serving people at large.
It is gratifying to mention that the Govt. of India through its Ministry
of Finance, Department of Revenue has approved our Trust for 100% tax
exemption on donation made under Section 35 AC of Income Tax Act.
Further, the Ministry of Home has approved our Trust for acceptance of
donations under Foreign Currency (Regulation) Act of 1976.
The Trust is also having Income Tax Exemption Certificate under Section
80(G) of Income Tax Act.
R. P. Shah
Hon. Secretary
For Om Shree Ram Mantra Mandir Trust |